Want to know more about Cavnish street slang? Here’s a handy guide, so next time you want to insult someone, you can feel free to call them a “blithering gormless, bodgy chizzer.”
A Guide to Cavnish Slang, Idioms, and Terms
- A’right — all right (pronounced a’reet)
- Aught — anything
- Blithering — intensifier, kind of like how we use freaking (as in, “you’re a freaking idiot!”)
- Bodgy — idiotic, foolish, daft
- Bog off — go away! (somewhere between “go away!” and a more obscene way of saying the same thing)
- Boxy — cameraman, so called because of their big, box-shaped cameras
- Breeks — short trousers that close below the knee, like knickers
- Bum-rush — means to get the boot, or get kicked out of a place (often physically)
- Cacky — like “blithering”, a general intensifier
- Canny (adv.)— intensifier meaning really, used for positive descriptions
- canny (adj.) — nice, sweet, dear, good
- Chizzer — cheater, swindler, fake
- Chunnering — blabbering, talking nonsense
- Copper — policeman
- Get copped — get arrested, nabbed by the police
- Daft/dafty — stupid, silly, ignorant; a silly person
- Dan’ — don’t (pronounced dahn)
- Dan’ na — don’t know
- Dance in the dark — a highly nuanced phrase, referring to mischief that might verge on the sinister or dangerous — behavior that skims the line between the acceptable and the criminal
- Devil in a doghouse — a whole lot of trouble, or something really bad/dangerous — like having a wolf by the ears or a tiger by the tail
- Div’n — didn’t (“I div’n do it!”)
- Div’n na — didn’t know (“I didn’t know” would be rather slurred together, as in, “I’d-uv-nah”)
- Fitsy — nervous, anxious, twitchy
- Free on the wing — on your own, independent
- Gan — go
- gannin’ — going
- ganned — went
- ganna gan — going to go
- Gawp — stare; gape
- Get fibbed — be fooled, lied to
- Goggle — look at, observe — get a goggle of something would be to get a peek at it, while keep a goggle on means to keep an eye on.
- Gormless — clueless, dumb, sometimes worthless
- Grobbing — intensifier meaning really, generally used for expressions of surprise, not as a common intensifier (so, you’d say, “That was grobbing huge!” but not “She’s grobbing nice” — see canny).
- Hack — like a taxi, a coach-for-hire
- Hackie — a hack-driver
- Hack-stand — a covered place to wait for a hack
- Heads or horns — basically “heads or tails” — the Cavnish gold standard coin has the face of the first monarch on one side and a stag’s head on the other
- In the spits — in trouble, mischief — usually the kind of mischief that would result in being apprehended by the police
- Jackstraight — straight as a board; bolt upright
- Jake — great, fine, okay
- Jixy — a mage, originally derived from the word “magic”, as in, “magicksy folks”
- Manky — gross, foul, soiled, disgusting
- Modock — an aviator, pilot
- Moon-brained — loony, lunatic, crazy, clueless
- Muck — mess — all the phrases based on this word have a slightly obscene meaning, rather like “crap”
- Muck around/about — mess around, in the sense of getting into mischief, or starting conflicts with other people
- Muck up — ruin, screw up
- Muckery — mess, nonsense
- Newshawk — journalist, reporter
- Nick — jail, prison — used more for the common city jail, not the palace prison
- On the get — running from the police, making a getaway
- Skappers — chow, food, dinner, munchies
- Skapped — starving, as an exaggeration
- Skitter—a child, not used for older teens
- Skundered — very angry, furious
- Slag — tease, pester
- Stars — an expression of surprise, more like “Oh God,” than something like “gosh” or “golly”
- Stoolie — a rat, informant, stool-pigeon
- Stravitz — expression that means something like, “Cheers” or “To your health”
- Swacked — drunk, completely intoxicated
- Tag — a nickname or an identifier used instead of a name — usually it reflects something about the person’s personality or appearance
- Tazimy — dragon-like beings from myth who used to devour the souls of the faithless
- Tetchy — ornery, grouchy, argumentative
- Thayo/thayoi — spirits — not necessarily evil like demons, but more like the Greek daemon, which can be benevolent or evil
- Topsy — from topsy-turvy, meaning dizzy, head-over-heels, out of sorts
- Trompers — boots
- Trucky — plucky, combative, in a fighting mood (from truculent)
- Wanked — in a tizzy, excited, frenetic
- Yam/yamming — to be eager for something, to go after something
- Yammering — noisy, excited
- Zotz — to kill or utterly destroy someone or something
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