I’m excited to announce that SisterMuses is now its own imprint. S.K. and I are going to be republishing all of our titles under the imprint, which means I’m taking the opportunity to have a little fun with Down a Lost Road. In honor of the occasion, I’m releasing it as a sort of Down a Lost Road: Extended Edition…a la Peter Jackson. There will be some new scenes, some expanded scenes, and the thing I’m most excited about — the ebook versions are going to feature a few extras — chapters or scenes — told from Yatol’s perspective. They will be included at the end of the book, but there will be hyperlinks at the places where those scenes occur so you can jump to them easily and then back to Merelin’s story. Imprisoned will be included, of course, but I’m also adding a few totally new scenes.
In addition, all of the books will get slightly updated covers, and DaLR may get an entirely new cover. We shall see.
I’ll also post the Yatol chapters here under the Extras page, especially for people who want the print books. I hope you will enjoy them!
I’ll post again as soon as I have the final release date, but it should be before SisterMuses goes to Dallas ComicCon in May! (If you’re going to ComicCon, come say hi!)