Wanderings – J. Leigh Discovers Travel Writing

So, I’ve decided that this is a great time for me to combine two of my biggest passions — travel and writing — in fun and adventuresome new ways.  Since I want to keep some distinction between my fiction and non-fiction writing, I’ve got a new blog up for my travel-related writing and photography.  Check it out!

Lone Girl Wandering

I just got it up and running, so there’s not a lot of content yet, but I’ve got a Bucket List USA going on that I’d love to get comments on — share your favorite US destinations and I’ll add them to my list!


The New Lost Road Chronicles Editions are Out!

dalr_SM_webThe Lost Road Chronicles Just Got a Face Lift

The brand new paperback editions of the Lost Road Chronicles are now out on Amazon.  The Kindle version of Down a Lost Road is also available, and the Kindle versions for Subverter and Prism are on their way.  Check them out!  Down a Lost Road is the only book with any significant changes — it features some expanded scenes, an entirely new chapter, and the Kindle version also has a couple of Yatol extras, including Imprisoned and a new  chapter told from Yatol’s perspective.  They are included at the end of the book, but there are hyperlinks within the novel where these two extras fit in, so you can easily navigate to the extras and back to the place you left.

The paperbacks are a little hard to find on Amazon right now because they’re still linking editions, but you can find them here:

Down a Lost Road 



Want to Speak Cavnish?

Want to learn how to insult people like a bonafide Cavner street rat?  Go check out the Guide to Cavnish Slang!  I’ll be adding more as they come up.

DaLR Extra Restored

Some of you might remember from the old website that I had posted an Extra for DaLR called “Imprisoned,” which retold roughly chapters 3-5 from Yatol’s perspective. It disappeared when I migrated to the new site…but it’s now back up! So if you haven’t had a chance to read it before, now you can read it here.

The Madness Project is out!

So, I should probably have posted this earlier, but in case you missed it, The Madness Project is now out!  You can get it on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, the iTunes store, Smashwords, and all the usual places…


If you are interested in reviewing this book for your blog or site, please leave a comment below and let me know.  I would be happy to provide a coupon for a review copy.

Read it already?  I would love to know what you think!